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Japan Autumn Festival (Akimatsuri 2022)

Japan Autumn Festival (Akimatsuri 2022)

This year’s Japa­ne­se Autumn Fes­ti­val was specta­cu­lar! After a two-year hia­tus, over three thou­sand admi­rers of Japa­ne­se cul­tu­re gathe­red at Pra­gu­e’s Mar­ké­ta. The fes­ti­val was orga­ni­zed by the Asso­ci­ati­on of Japa­ne­se in the Czech Repub­lic (Čeko Nihon­jin Kai) and we aga­in had the gre­at honour of demon­stra­ting Aiki­do at the fes­ti­val. It was really a ple­a­su­re to practi­ce there.

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Lime Blossom Festival – Bodaiju matsuri 2022.

Lime Blossom Festival – Bodaiju matsuri 2022.

In the sha­de of the lush gre­en tre­es at the cen­tu­ries-old Vyše­hrad Cast­le, loo­king down on the met­ro­po­lis, the fif­te­en­th annu­al Japa­ne­se cele­brati­on of spring, sym­bo­li­cally called “Bodai­ju mat­su­ri” or “Fes­ti­val of Lime Tre­es”, took pla­ce. And we were the­re with our mar­tial arts demon­strati­ons and workshop.

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