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Pictures of our events

Photos, stories, emotions… our 2023 Annual Report

Photos, stories, emotions… our 2023 Annual Report

Can you belie­ve that we orga­ni­zed 22 events in 12 mon­ths and had almost 300 peo­ple tra­i­ning with us? It will take you a few minu­tes to flip throu­gh our annu­al report, which is 32 pages of pure pic­to­rial deli­ght. The pho­tos will remind you of all we’­ve expe­ri­en­ced and whe­re we’­ve been. The text is short and to the point, so if you­’re inte­res­ted in the behind-the-sce­nes details of the dojo, you­’ll find some. You can find the full report insi­de the article…

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How much human labor goes into a glass of wine?

How much human labor goes into a glass of wine?

One Sun­day in June, we did a litt­le work and a litt­le practi­ce in the vineyard of Bogdan Tro­jak in Zer­nosky. We really wor­ked hard all day and we knit­ted less than 4 rows… out of an infi­ni­te num­ber of lines.
A gre­at remin­der of how much human work is behind eve­ry tas­ty mou­th­ful of food and eve­ry good sip of wine.

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One hundred or two hundred kids? With ease!

One hundred or two hundred kids? With ease!

This year we managed the Sport for Two fes­ti­val per­fect­ly, even thou­gh the­re were about a thou­sand chil­dren in the Vino­hra­dy Sokol Hall and it was really hot. We did four mini-tra­i­ning sessi­ons in three hours and we must have had 100–200 kids cros­sing the tata­mi, a mix from six to thir­te­en years old. Isn’t that possi­ble? For Mar­tin and Tachan, it’s no problem..

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Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Toulouse: an international exchange of inspiration in spring 2024

Barcelona, Lisbon, London and Toulouse: an international exchange of inspiration in spring 2024

One of the best things about Aiki­do is that you can stop by vir­tu­ally any club in the world and just work out with the locals. And also that aiki­do semi­nars are open events whe­re peo­ple from all over the con­ti­nent meet. So mee­ting new peo­ple and pla­ces throu­gh the practi­ce of aiki­do is really easy. In this short text, we recap a few of our tra­vels this spring.

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30 years of Franck seminars in Prague

30 years of Franck seminars in Prague

This year we cele­bra­ted 30 years sin­ce the first semi­nar of Franck Noel in Pra­gue. Aiki­do­kas from all over the Czech Repub­lic and inde­ed all over Euro­pe came toge­ther aga­in and had a gre­at workout.
And will Franck come to Pra­gue next year? Let’s be surprised!

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“O‑sensei” button in Berlin

“O‑sensei” button in Berlin

We’­ve arri­ved to Ber­lin on Fri­day eve­ning and slept the first day in Kra­nich dojo. Mar­tin and Van­da were alrea­dy tra­i­ning in the other dojo and befo­re sle­e­ping we all went to a Chi­ne­se restau­rant to have some nice dumplings (and acci­den­tally practi­ced a bit of Chinese)
In the dojo, right befo­re sle­e­ping, we’­ve tried to click a but­ton with “Ó‑Sensei” writ­ten on it.

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Karaoke and the Friday night fever

Karaoke and the Friday night fever

This eve­ning was unpre­dictable, it was the first time most of us had been to a kara­o­ke bar. Is any­o­ne gon­na show up? And who? The possi­ble group chan­ged all Fri­day, peo­ple chec­king in and out as the­ir sche­du­le con­ti­nu­ally chan­ged. In the end, eigh­te­en of us showed up. First sin­ging attempts, first drinks, uncer­ta­in­ty gra­du­ally dispelled by lau­gh­ter. For­tu­na­te­ly, the­re are tho­se among us who can skill­fully balan­ce between awk­ward­ness and wit and managed to pull the others down. But we had no idea what awai­ted us later…

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