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Aikido semináře

Aiki­do sum­mer scho­ol – Mar­tin Švih­la (5th dan) – Třešť 2024
5. August 2024 –  11. August 2024 
Venue: Sokol­ský dům Třešť

7 days and 6 hours of tra­i­ning per day. Tra­i­nings without wea­pons and with wea­pons, indo­ors and out­do­ors, day and night, in kei­­ko-gi as well as in sport­su­it. And between clas­ses some food, games, massages, sle­e­ping, other volun­ta­ry exer­ci­ses and exams. Some­ti­mes we also sle­ep. Sim­ply a week with aiki­do in the Czech Highlands!

Inter­nati­o­nal you­th sum­mer camp, Slo­vak para­di­se 2024
18. August 2024 –  25. August 2024 
Venue: Slo­ven­ský raj

Last year we were back in the Slo­vak Para­di­se after a long time and we enjoyed it so much that we deci­ded to do it aga­in this year.

Aiki­do Sum­mer Ber­lin 2024
29. August 2024 –  1. Sep­tem­ber 2024 

This is a spe­cial sum­mer event in near­by Ber­lin. Jan Neve­lius, Jor­ma Lyly, Gas­ton Nico­les­si and 5 other tea­chers with 5–7th dan, inclu­ding our tea­cher Mar­tin Švih­la, will be tea­ching the­re. And some of the other years of the “Aiki­do Sum­mer” will be in Stoc­kholm or Tou­lou­se or here in Vino­hra­dy… that’s why this invi­tati­on belon­gs here.
Any­way, if you want to make a nice Aiki­do trip to Ber­lin this year…

Aiki4kids – Inter­nati­o­nal Aiki­do Semi­nar for Chil­dren & You­th 2024
23. Novem­ber 2024 
Venue: TJ Sokol Pra­ha Vinohrady

Aiki­do practi­ce for kids and inspi­rati­on for tea­chers – the thi­rd inter­nati­o­nal aiki­do semi­nar for chil­dren and you­th which we set up with sup­port of Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on. In the year 2019 the­re were per­ha­ps 200 chil­dren from 20 clubs from 5 coun­tries and this one will be even bet­ter. You can alrea­dy register!

Semi­nar aiki­do: Zden­ko Regu­li (6th dan)
7. Decem­ber 2024 
Venue: TJ Sokol Pra­ha Vinohrady

In Decem­ber the­re will be a semi­nar led by Zden­ko Regu­li (6th dan) in our dojo. The­re will also be exams.
Eve­ry­bo­dy is welcome. 

Aiki­do semi­nar: Jan Neve­lius (7th dan)
4. April 2025 –  6. April 2025 
Venue: TJ Sokol Pra­ha Vinohrady

In April Jan Neve­lius Shi­han (7th dan) from Sweden will lead a semi­nar at our dojo. Jan is very inte­res­ting and in many ways out­stan­ding aiki­do tea­cher who also does shi­at­su, aku­punctu­re and chi kung.

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