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Sche­du­le from 1st June to 30th August 2024!

MONDAY: 18:00–20:00 All levels (Pro­stor 8)
TUESDAY: 7:00–8:00 All levels (Pro­stor 8)
WEDNESDAY: 18:00–19:00 All levels – out­do­or tra­i­ning with wea­pons (mee­ting in Pro­stor 8, tra­i­ning in Grébovka)
THURSDAY: 18:00–20:00 All levels (Pro­stor 8)
FRIDAY: 18:00–20:00 Free class (Pro­stor 8)


SCHEDULE FROM 2ND September 2024






The sche­du­le is valid during scho­ol year.
The­re is a dif­fe­rent sche­du­le for the sum­mer holi­day (5 clas­ses per week for adults and you­th). We spe­ci­fy this sum­mer sche­du­le befo­re holiday.

We practi­ce at two dif­fe­rent locati­on (indi­ca­ted on the sche­du­le above):
Sokol Pra­ha Vino­hra­dy, Pol­ská 1a, Pra­ha 2
Pro­stor 8, Šmi­lov­ské­ho 8, Pra­ha 2.

Training fees for adults

Wor­king people Stu­dents / Unemployed / Mater­nal lea­ve / Finan­cial hardship
3 Mon­ths 3500 Kč (1166 Kč per month) 2200 Kč (733 Kč per month)
6 Mon­ths 5400 Kč (900 Kč per month) 3300 Kč (550 Kč per month)
12 Mon­ths 9600 Kč (800 Kč per month) 5500 Kč (458 Kč per month)
Fun­da­men­tals aiki­do course 4300 Kč 3300 Kč
  • Ple­a­se, cho­o­se your mem­ber­ship fee and pay it to our bank account 2700020028/2010 with your per­so­nal “vari­a­bil­ní sym­bol” or with your name in the pay­ment note.
  • Club mem­bers pay 600 Kč per a scho­ol year for a licen­se of our Aiki­do orga­ni­zati­on ČFAI (Czech Fede­rati­on of Aiki­do). New mem­bers pay addi­ti­o­nal 50 Kč for an orga­ni­zati­o­nal passport (only once per life).

Training descriptions

Aikido – all levels

Tra­i­ning is open to all club mem­bers. Begin­ners work toge­ther with more advan­ced stu­dents for the bene­fit of both of these groups.

Aikido – from 4th kyu

This tra­i­ning is for stu­dents with 4th kyu and higher (who can fall flui­dly and han­dle basic tech­niques). This is a spa­ce for more dyna­mic and/or com­plex practice.

Weapons Training

A part of hand tech­niques in Aiki­do comes from the Japa­ne­se fen­cing arts. The­re­fo­re wor­king with wea­pons is natu­rally inclu­ded in Aiki­do tra­i­ning: we use  a woo­den sword (boken), sta­ff (jo) and kni­fe (tan­to). Wor­king with a sword hel­ps to deve­lop a postu­re, power in the body­’s cen­ter, con­cen­t­rati­on, deter­mi­nati­on and precision.


To relax and rege­ne­ra­te after a week of tra­i­ning, we do a sim­ple massage or stret­ching in pairs. You will learn the basic tech­niques of the Japa­ne­se ener­ge­tic massage shi­at­su, which builds on the same prin­ci­ples as Aiki­do – the ide­as of balan­ce and har­mo­ny, gent­le, firm con­tact, and wor­king from one’s center…

Aikido – free pracive

A spa­ce for eve­ry­o­ne to practi­ce on the tata­mi without a tea­cher. The class has no pre­de­ter­mi­ned structu­re; usu­ally a few groups form and practi­ce wha­te­ver they wish. Even the com­ple­te begin­ners are usu­ally taken care of by the more advan­ced stu­dents. We do recom­mend to plan­ning practi­ce with others during the week. This practi­ce may occasi­o­nally be cancelled.

Some food and drinks after evening classes

We usu­ally don’t spe­ak too much during tra­i­nings, and often reser­ve time for all kinds of soci­a­li­zing in a near­by restau­rant. These “eating and drin­king clas­ses” are not necessa­ry for mas­te­ring aiki­do tech­niques, but being with fri­ends is a very ple­a­sant part of our training:).