Lime Blossom Festival – Bodaiju matsuri 2022.

In the sha­de of the lush gre­en tre­es at the cen­tu­ries-old Vyše­hrad Cast­le, loo­king down on the met­ro­po­lis, the fif­te­en­th annu­al Japa­ne­se cele­brati­on of spring, sym­bo­li­cally called “Bodai­ju mat­su­ri” or “Fes­ti­val of Lime Tre­es”, took pla­ce. And we were the­re with our mar­tial arts demon­strati­ons and workshop.

In addi­ti­on to practi­cing, we enjoyed a full day dedi­ca­ted to Japa­ne­se cul­tu­re – we lis­te­ned to a sha­ku­ha­chi con­cert, watched a kyo­gen per­for­man­ce, dan­ced with a yosa­koi troupe…
And we also had a club pic­nic under the tre­es, which was atten­ded by other mem­bers of our club.

We just had a beau­ti­ful spring Saturday.