Experiencing ourselves in Slovenský ráj

Gre­en hills, cold stre­ams, narrow rock pas­ses and in the mid­dle of it all young peo­ple from Slo­va­kia, the Czech Repub­lic and Ukra­i­ne practi­cing aiki­do for a week.

We were in the Slo­ven­ský ráj aga­in and it was won­der­ful! Eve­ry day we had two tra­i­ning sessi­ons, we hiked up hills, clim­bed rocks, cycled, sat by the fire in the eve­ning or pla­yed games. We just expe­ri­en­ced our­sel­ves in natu­re, in exer­ci­se, surroun­ded by friends.

Take a look at the pho­tos and videos – you­’ll see sparks of that mood.

Do you want to expe­ri­en­ce all this too? Next year’s event will be August 18–25, 2024 and you can join us. Make a note of the date and let us know you­’re inte­res­ted. Details will be in our semi­nar list. in due course.