Summer school Třešť 2012

Aiki­do sum­mer scho­ol Třešť, 2012

It is for the second time that I was given the honor to wri­te a small article about our aiki­do sum­mer scho­ol. It was also my second sum­mer scho­ol with tho­se peo­ple and I must admit that it was as gre­at as last year, if not bet­ter. Even thou­gh I took some scho­ol stuff with me, it rema­i­ned suc­cess­fully pac­ked and never saw the light of a day. We were con­ti­nu­ous­ly practi­cing basic aspects of eve­ry aiki­do tech­nique – firm show of directi­on, move­ment ori­gi­na­ting from the cen­ter, firm and strai­ght postu­re, rela­xed move­ment, con­tact with the part­ner and per­cep­ti­on of the partner’s inten­ti­on. Eve­ry day we focused on some­thing dif­fe­rent, but neverthe­less fir­mly con­nec­ted with what we did the day befo­re in order to con­nect eve­ry­thing toge­ther and see the con­necti­on and simi­la­ri­ties in all aiki­do techniques.
I must emphasi­ze that apart from last year the tra­i­ning wasn’t as phy­s­i­cally challen­ging as befo­re, which was par­ti­ally due to Anka’s absen­ce of her spe­cial move­ment clas­ses and the­ir repla­ce­ment by Martin’s rela­xing stret­ching and massages. Also Jar­da couldn’t com­pla­in about the lack of massa­ging girls any­mo­re, so he must have enjoyed that too ;). All of us have duly volun­ta­ri­ly ente­red the “mor­ning cha­k­ra bre­athing”, soon rena­med to “Good mor­ning, Rama­dan”, in short, Rama­dan. It´s not that it wasn’t inte­res­ting, but the ear­ly mor­ning hour was the big­gest block of our following attendance.
This year our card games (apart from last year, whe­re very sim­ple card games domi­na­ted) beca­me more sophis­ti­ca­ted and inclu­ded some other games, such as Mono­po­ly Deal and aiki­do inspi­red Yojim­bo. Neverthe­less the main fun of eve­ry eve­ning was the game Jun­gle spe­ed (aimed at quick per­cep­ti­on). Bro­ken nails, scratched hands, bru­i­sed fin­gers and wrists – nothing could pre­vent us in our effort to catch the brown totem in the mid­dle of the table.
Fre­sh rein­for­ce­ments, part of them even from across the Atlan­tic, arri­ved on Wed­ne­sday. Next day we had a rela­xing day and we went toge­ther to a near­by lake (actu­ally, not really a lake, but a flo­o­ded quar­ry) to visit our “totally safe” swing. A few bru­i­ses and scratches couldn’t kill us, of cour­se. Our new Olym­pic sport dis­ci­pli­ne “child throw” will sure­ly beco­me offi­cial in a short time, sin­ce it´s per­mit­ted to com­pe­te in water as on the ground. It’s even possi­ble to make cate­go­ries accor­ding to the child’s age, wei­ght, hei­ght, etc., as Ond­ra found out. A few of us even found time for bow­ling, whe­re gran­d­mas­ter Luboš ended up last with the sco­re 91 points (Michal doesn’t count, because he alwa­ys sco­res low, and that´s why we all love him so much :)).
I’ve almost for­got­ten to men­ti­on ano­ther very impor­tant aspect of this sum­mer scho­ol, and that is eve­ry year’s restau­rant “Svět”, mea­ning the gre­at food they make for us the­re. ZONka, grand por­ti­ons for good pri­ces, divi­ne pan­ca­kes, mix grill over 2 tables offi­ci­ally only for 2 peo­ple – we had all that last year too, but this year we’ve order for Satur­day the best, most luxu­ri­ous, the big­gest and best loo­king and smel­ling grill con­sis­ting of 4 tons of boar sausages, moun­ta­ins of chic­ken and pork steaks, wagons of vege­table and trucks of grilled pine­ap­ples and pea­ches. (a litt­le grill for 22 peo­ple). Even thou­gh no one tou­ched the bread or any other side dish, after the 4th cour­se, whe­re even the most stub­born ones couldn’t eat any­mo­re, we still had so much food left that we deci­ded to take it away with us for bre­ak­fast and lunch the next day.
And of cour­se in the end the exams came, or as Mar­tin called it this year an “exam fes­ti­val”. All par­ti­ci­pants suc­cess­fully fes­ti­valled them­sel­ves to the finals and rece­i­ved gre­at marks for sty­le, cre­a­ti­vi­ty, and pub­lic amusement.
Con­gra­tu­lati­ons to all! New haka­mas didn’t, however, due to dela­yed order come, so the offi­cial show of dres­sing up didn’t occur. Neverthe­less it soon will and I am sure, that espe­ci­ally the mali­ci­ous ones will enjoy it very much. 🙂

(Text by Lucie Arle­tho­vá, translati­on Jakub Bretš­na­j­dr, pho­tos by Michal Roder, Pavel Linhart, Mar­tin Švih­la and others)