“O‑sensei” button in Berlin

We’­ve arri­ved to Ber­lin on Fri­day eve­ning and slept the first day in Kra­nich dojo. Mar­tin and Van­da were alrea­dy tra­i­ning in the other dojo and befo­re sle­e­ping we all went to a Chi­ne­se restau­rant to have some nice dumplings (and acci­den­tally practi­ced a bit of Chinese)

In the dojo, right befo­re sle­e­ping, we’­ve tried to click a but­ton with “Ó‑Sensei” writ­ten on it. Pushing the but­ton tur­ned on the dis­co lights and we knew some fun is wai­ting for us soon.

On Satur­day we had 4 hours of tra­i­nings, seve­ral Ger­man stu­dents have pas­sed the­ir kyu exams. In the eve­ning we had a small par­ty and a big cake to cele­bra­te the dojo’s 9th birh­day. A band pla­yed some jazz music, we were eating and dancing.

Sud­den­ly it so hap­pe­ned that our fellow stu­dent Jona invi­ted us to a hou­se par­ty with a the­me “zom­bies and but­ter­flyes”. We had no costu­mes, did­n’t spe­ak Ger­man and almost had to go  home as we could­n’t expla­in who we are, however in the end Ó‑Sensei but­ton hel­ped: first­ly we were asked who is Jona and if any­o­ne knew Jona (we thou­ght it’s obvi­ous who she is, but pro­ba­bly too many peo­ple men­ti­o­ned Jona in the past when try­ing to enter), eve­ry­thing in Ger­man, of cour­se. We pre­ten­ded not to be the poli­ce­men as best as we could and finally we were in! We had gre­at time dan­cing and lis­te­ning to indie music, but the most impor­tant was knowing Hugo – he told eve­ry­o­ne of us his name is Hugo and now we think we can enter any Ber­lin’s hou­se par­ty with the password “we are Hugo­’s fri­ends”. We went to sle­ep hap­py and re-ener­gi­zed and also we now know a (pro­ba­bly) famous song:

Whe­re are your troubles? GONE!

How much is left? NONE!

What do you want? FUN!

On the next day we slowly woke up and went to the Samu­rai muse­um, lots of wea­pons and costu­mes from dif­fe­rent Japa­ne­se eras were pre­sen­ted. Mar­tin, Van­da and Rus­lan went home right after, Anton and Fedor explo­red Ber­lin a litt­le more and by mid­ni­ght we all were back home in Prague.

Thank you Ber­lin and Kra­nich dojo for hospi­ta­li­ty and Ó‑Sensei but­ton for all the fun we had!