Waka sensei in Bratislava

In Sep­tem­ber 2014 we were on semi­nar in Bra­ti­sla­va with Asai sen­sei, Miguel Qua­ran­ta and waka sen­sei Mitsu­te­ru Ueshi­ba – grand-grand­son of foun­der of aiki­do. This event was ora­ni­zed by Slo­ven­ská Aiki­do Aso­ci­a­ce (SAA, www.aikikai.sk) for cele­brati­on of 20th anni­ver­sa­ry its exis­ten­ce and it was really nice.
The orga­ni­zati­on, practi­sing and social events were excellent.

Our tea­cher Mar­tin Švih­la par­ti­ci­pa­ted ano­ther asso­ci­a­te pro­gram – on pho­tos you will find offi­cial din­ner with Japa­ne­se ambassa­dor, wal­king throu­gh his­to­ric Bra­ti­sla­va or ver­nissage of art of aiki­do area (inclu­ding art pho­tos from our club).

(Author of pho­tos is reefe.sk, thanks to SAA for per­mi­ti­on to use them.)