Seminar Malmö 2012

We deci­ded to visit the annu­al semi­nar of three tea­chers in Mal­mö in Decem­ber. Our small group (Mar­tin, Gabi­ka, Michal) cho­se a rou­te throu­gh Cope­nhagen, whe­re we went sight­se­e­ning in the city center.
Jor­ma Lyly, Jan Neve­lius and Ste­fan Ste­nudd took turns in tea­ching and appa­rent­ly enjoyed the event very much. And we joi­ned them hap­pi­ly :-). Exa­mi­nati­ons took pla­ce during the semi­nar and Gabi­ka pas­sed her 1st dan successfully.
Weather went bad the last day of the semi­nar. We rushed to the air­port in a snow storm. Luck was with us — the weather impro­ved and we could depart in the directi­on Prague.

(Pho­tos: Michal Roder)