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Tag: Aikido training

We organized a 24-hour international Aikido marathon in Prague

We organized a 24-hour international Aikido marathon in Prague

“I would say that the Aiki­do Marathon brou­ght me a beau­ti­ful and unfor­get­table expe­ri­en­ce, a unique explo­rati­on of how fati­gue affects me – and a huge sur­pri­se, because the tra­i­ning sessi­ons and the unique atmosphe­re char­ged me so much that (despi­te all my ini­tial assumpti­ons) I kept practi­cing over and over, nights, mor­nings… and enjoyed it so much
At the same time, I think that I also lear­ned in the “actu­al” aiki­do practi­ce, the chan­ging dyna­mics (thanks to the brisk chan­ge of tea­chers and the­ir sty­les) added ano­ther ama­zing dimensi­on to the aiki­do marathon. I expe­ri­en­ced (for me) com­ple­te­ly new appro­a­ches and what’s more, I found ele­ments to take away in each one…
The more I think about it, the more I belie­ve that put­ting all tho­se won­der­ful impres­si­ons into words is impossible…”
Len­ka, 18-years-old high scho­ol student

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For the third time in Prague: international seminar for children and youth

For the third time in Prague: international seminar for children and youth

On Satur­day mor­ning in Pra­gue, around 100 chil­dren star­ted the­ir first tra­i­ning on the big tata­mi… and it was a line from one side of the hall to the other. Check out the pho­tos! And we were­n’t all the­re yet, because the bus with the Ukra­i­ni­an kids got dela­yed at the bor­der and arri­ved a bit late. After a warm-up toge­ther, we divi­ded into age cate­go­ries – small kids, big­ger kids and tee­nagers – and star­ted real tra­i­ning sessi­ons full of varied move­ment, games and most impor­tant­ly aikido.

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More inspiration from Stockholm – return to the crime scene

More inspiration from Stockholm – return to the crime scene

We sat on the mats after practi­ce, resigned expres­si­ons on our faces. I think Hon­za bro­ke the silen­ce: ‘When is the next tra­i­ning? And where?”
On that Thur­sday in Novem­ber, the first snow fell in Stoc­kholm. The begin­ning of win­ter. We slept on the tata­mi at the Iya­saka Aiki­do­klubb (the­re’s an insa­ne­ly noi­sy air-con­di­ti­o­ning sys­tem run­ning at night) and got up at six in the mor­ning. An hour practi­ce, a quick chan­ge of clo­thes and a subway ride to Vana­dis, whe­re the­re was ano­ther mor­ning practi­ce at ano­ther club. Then we had bre­ak­fast at the cafe whe­re Ast­rid Lin­gren used to go (Pipi Lon­gs­tockking was writ­ten in the tene­ment across the park) and the lunch­ti­me tra­i­ning was star­ting, which of cour­se we also atten­ded. Three wor­kouts in half a day would­n’t have been too much, but we kept up the pace of 3–5 hours of exer­ci­se on our six­th day in Stoc­kholm… and we still had three more inten­se days to go.

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Aikido during the coronavirus – how to strengthen your immune system (Not only for martial artists!)

Aikido during the coronavirus – how to strengthen your immune system (Not only for martial artists!)

Aiki­do nás učí, jak při­jmout, vyu­žít a zlep­šit jakou­ko­liv situ­a­ci a záro­veň se u toho něco nové­ho nau­čit. Jak může­me toto umě­ní apli­ko­vat na sou­čas­nou situ­a­ci kolem epi­de­mie koro­na­vi­ru? Jak to udě­lat tak, že se po všech bez­peč­nost­ních opat­ře­ních a tré­nin­ko­vé pau­ze setká­me v lep­ší kon­di­ci a zdra­věj­ší než před nimi?
Teď máme pří­le­ži­tost tré­no­vat aiki­do v kaž­do­den­ním životě.

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