Aikido Youth Camp – Slovenský raj 2020

Tra­i­ning, moun­ta­ins and fri­end­ship – that is mot­to of this inter­nati­o­nal aiki­do you­th camp. Eve­ry­thing is aiki­do the­re – tra­i­nings, hiking in natu­re, swi­ming in moun­ta­in river, work in forrest, talk under night sky full of stars…

This inter­nati­o­nal camp is orga­ni­zed by Aiki­do Aka­de­mia Koši­ce, this year came only par­ti­ci­pants from Pra­gue and Koši­ce, our fri­ends from Uzh­go­rod’s Kaga­mi Dojo could­n’t arri­ve because of tra­ve­ling restrictions.

See you all next year!

PS: You can see pho­tos and video from year 2019 here.