A graphic summary of our year 2022

We have just cre­a­ted a gra­phic sum­ma­ry of our Aiki­do year 2022, that pictu­re is a sum­ma­ry of what we expe­ri­en­ced – and we expe­ri­en­ced a lot last year! You­’d be sur­pri­sed how much can be accom­plished in a year!

Behind the num­bers are lots of live­ly peo­ple of all ages, exer­ci­sing, lau­ghing, spen­ding time toge­ther. Behind tho­se num­bers is a lot of tra­i­ning, work, tra­vel, events. Behind the num­bers are us, our gre­at club.

And if you­’d like a glimpse behind tho­se num­bers, check out our 28-page 2022 Annu­al Report – it’s full of pho­tos and sto­ries (only in Czech lan­gu­age but pictu­res are understandable).