Sleepover at the dojo (kids and youths)

It seems that we are star­ting a new tra­di­ti­on – this was our second sle­e­po­ver in the dojo and it was a gre­at suc­cess again!
9 chil­dren and 7 young tea­chers and assistants came. The kids made fri­ends quick­ly, after the first practi­ce it was impossi­ble to tell who was from which group. For some of them it was the­ir first sle­e­po­ver ever. We all enjoyed the exer­ci­se and other fun times toge­ther and had time to get to know each other more.

Len­ka from the young assistants wro­te about it:
“I really enjoyed the sle­e­po­ver! Not only the two gre­at aiki­do sessi­ons whe­re the chil­dren, assistants and tea­chers lear­ned from each other, but espe­ci­ally the time toge­ther whe­re eve­ry­o­ne found what they nee­ded. The pas­si­on and fier­ce­ness of sword fights, rechar­ging new knowled­ge from books, chat­ting, exci­ting games of Dobble and other card games, get­ting to know each other (within a moment no one could tell they were actu­ally two groups),… Later in the eve­ning, a joint scre­e­ning and eating of well-deser­ved piz­za (gre­at admi­rati­on to eve­ry­o­ne for hero­i­cally coping with the delay in its deli­ve­ry), and get­ting up slowly in the mor­ning for a beau­ti­ful snowy Prague…
See­ing lots of hap­py and bea­ming faces in the final circle was the best reward and a won­der­ful ending.”

In the final circle the­re were ques­ti­ons about when the next one would be held. So I’m loo­king for­ward to the next one.