Training all day, party all night

One wee­kend in Decem­ber: a semi­nar with Zde­nek Regu­li on Satur­day and then a Christmas par­ty until Sun­day morning!

The tra­i­ning was very inspi­ring, both advan­ced and begin­ners got a good wor­kout. After nice rehear­sals we gai­ned 4x 6th kyu, 2x 5th kyu, 4x 4th kyu, 1x 2nd kyu and 1x 1st kyu stu­dents. And the par­ty quick­ly tur­ned into a dis­co that went on into the wee hours of the mor­ning. We really did it!

Con­gra­tu­lati­ons to all the suc­cess­ful can­di­da­tes in the exams and thank you to all the guests from the Czech Repub­lic, Mora­via and Slo­va­kia who came to practi­ce and then dan­ce with us 🙂

Next year we will do it aga­in – the date of Zde­nek’s semi­nar and also the Christmas par­ty will be Satur­day 7 Decem­ber 2024.