Autumn course for trainers

Novem­ber tra­i­ning of 3rd class coa­ches in Pra­gue was atten­ded by 17 aiki­do­kas from 8 clubs of the Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on – 8 of them were juni­or and seni­or tea­chers from our club. The mee­ting was led by René Novot­ný from Tře­bíč and Mar­tin Švih­la from Aiki­do Pra­ha Vino­hra­dy, the topics were deve­lo­p­ment of move­ment skills and abi­li­ties for chil­dren and adults (with ani­mal alpha­bet and its practi­cal vari­ants), dif­fe­rent ways of cre­a­ting tra­i­ning structu­re (and Japa­ne­se peda­go­gi­cal con­cepts of shu-ha-ri and shin-gi-tai) and sha­ring expe­ri­en­ces from con­ducting chil­dre­n’s training.