Another teacher’s training

We are very hap­py to orga­ni­ze tra­i­nings for tea­chers of the Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on. It is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to sha­re our way of tea­ching Aiki­do with other Czech clubs and also to get inspi­rati­on from the­ir work. At the same time, these mee­tings broa­den the peda­go­gi­cal and human hori­zons of our young tea­chers. And also we can all practi­ce together.

At the tra­i­ning in Novem­ber 2023, we focused on con­ducting tra­i­nings and tea­cher com­pe­ten­ces for groups of chil­dren, you­th and adults. On the practi­cal side, we did advan­ced oppor­tu­ni­ties to use the ani­mal alpha­bet. And safe­ty in tra­i­ning sessi­ons and wor­king with chil­dren who don’t fit in with the group reso­na­ted stron­g­ly in the discussion.

We found room for further explo­rati­on in these are­as – so next time we will pro­ba­bly con­ti­nue with this.