Seminar for youth in Slovak Paradise

Aiki­do you­th sum­mer scho­ol in Slo­va­kia: tra­i­ning, moun­ta­ins and fri­end­ship… sim­ply a trip to natu­re as well as to one self.
The sum­mer­scho­ol was orga­ni­zed by Aiki­do Aka­de­mia from Koši­ce and par­ti­ci­pants came also from Kaga­mi Dojo in Ukra­i­ne and from our dojo Aiki­do Pra­gue Vino­hra­dy. The tra­i­nings were held by Mar­tin Fran­ko­vič, Misha Rogach a Mar­tin Švihla.
Inter­nati­o­nal and fri­en­dly event – thanks to all and see you next year!