Preparation for the Dan Examination

Almost 10 peo­ple were pre­pa­ring for this year’s dan exa­mi­nati­ons, so we orga­ni­zed the pre­pa­ra­to­ry semi­nar of the Czech Aiki­do Fede­rati­on in Vino­hra­dy with gre­at ple­a­su­re. The pre­pa­rati­on was led by Zden­ko Regu­li (6th dan) and Mar­tin Švih­la (5th dan) and toge­ther with par­ti­ci­pants from many Czech clubs we practi­ced practi­cally all impor­tant points of the exams during the day – from kne­e­ling tech­niques to wor­king with wea­pons and mul­tiple attackers.