Our summer school in 2022

This year was our 14th sum­mer scho­ol in moun­ta­ins. As usu­al it was full of tra­i­nings (7 days and 6 hours of tra­i­ning eve­ry day) and at the same time it was very dif­fe­rent in many ways.
In fact, many dif­fe­rent groups came toge­ther for this edi­ti­on: adults, you­th, advan­ced, begin­ners… and a very rare bon­ding and mutu­al inspi­rati­on was created.
And this is actu­ally the goal of this sum­mer scho­ol sin­ce its incep­ti­on – besi­des the exer­ci­se, the time we spend toge­ther at meals, at the swi­m­ming pool, by the fire, in cafes… is also important.
It was just splendid.