Exploration of aikido with Jan Nevelius

Eve­ry semi­nar with Jan is a sur­pri­se. Jan refers to his tea­ching as “explo­rati­on”, and so each year we explo­re fami­li­ar tech­niques from new perspectives…
The topic is often a move­ment prin­ci­ple, an aspect of uke work, deflecti­on work, pla­y­ing with the relati­on­ship between part­ners, or men­tal image­ry. Wha­te­ver the case, practi­cing with Jan brings more ques­ti­ons than answers. And it’s also a gre­at ple­a­su­re – per­ha­ps that’s why more and more peo­ple from all over Euro­pe come to each of his semi­nars in Prague.