4 videos: Exercise for parents and children during the quarantine (Part 2)

More inspi­rati­on for parents and chil­dren during qua­ran­ti­ne: today we will look at small chil­dre­n’s feet throu­gh throwing, catching, and jum­ping. In each video you will find a few words about the pur­po­se of each exer­ci­se and its con­tri­bu­ti­on to chil­dre­n’s heal­thy deve­lo­p­ment. Enjoy!

The head tea­cher of our club, Mar­tin Švih­la (5th dan Aiki­kai), and his dau­gh­ter recent­ly made Aiki­do videos for chil­dren. We pre­sent  them in this series of articles (this is part two) edi­ted for home use.

You can find part one of this series here.

Here’s how:

  • Watch the videos with your kids
  • Cho­o­se one you like
  • Try it
  • Have fun—the most impor­tant part!

We use games and exer­ci­ses in our children’s Aiki­do tra­i­ning- here we have selec­ted the ones you can do at home, which are:

  • sim­ple and safe,
  • manage­a­ble within limi­ted space,
  • only requi­re com­mon hou­se­hold equipment,
  • do not requi­re spe­cial knowled­ge or tra­i­ning from the adults,
  • can most­ly be done by one adult and one or more children,
  • some may be led by older chil­dren without adults.

You and your chil­dren can also think of your own exercises!

Healthy feet

Here are seve­ral exer­ci­ses and games for small chil­dre­n’s feet – they help deve­lop bra­in-leg coor­di­nati­on, sup­port a heal­thy arch, and act aga­inst flat feet. On warm spring days, you can do them bare­fo­ot out­si­de on the grass.

Basic throws

Com­mon throwing moti­ons make very impor­tant coor­di­nati­on exer­ci­ses. It hel­ps deve­lop ove­rall coor­di­nati­on, spa­tial per­cep­ti­on, and the con­necti­on between the bra­in and the muscu­los­ke­le­tal sys­tem. We can also say that chil­dren who can throw accu­ra­te­ly have bet­ter geo­met­ric ima­gi­nati­on at scho­ol. Some scien­tists even claim that throwing con­tri­bu­ted to the evo­lu­ti­on of our body and bra­in so that we could beco­me human.
All this asi­de – have fun! 

Catching and reflex training

Basic throwing and catching with two hands as well as reflex tra­i­ning. If it turns into a pillow fight, all the better.


Chil­dren love jum­ping – it is acti­ve, live­ly, and pla­y­ful. Also, chil­dren jum­ping is very impor­tant to chil­dre­n’s heal­thy deve­lo­p­ment. Jum­ping allows them to deve­lop ten­don elas­ti­ci­ty and bone stren­gth like no other movement.
Kids should just jump – so ple­a­se let them.
In this video you will find only basic jumps. We are plan­ning vari­ous advan­ced games and exer­ci­ses for our next video.

Tato cvi­če­ní roz­ví­je­jí základ­ní pohy­bo­vé schop­nos­ti a zruč­nos­ti. Při jejich výbě­ru čer­pá­me nejen z tra­dič­ních aiki­do cvi­če­ní, ale také z moder­ních tělo­vý­chov­ných a peda­go­gic­kých postu­pů (hod­ně inspi­ra­ce máme napří­klad z kanad­ské­ho sys­té­mu Phy­s­i­cal Lite­ra­cy).

Dal­ší díly toho­to člán­ku při­dá­me brzy… pokud o tom chce­te infor­ma­ci, při­hlaš­te se k odbě­ru našich novi­nek a my vám pak pošle­me mail:

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We wish you lots of fun together–and good health!