Our 10th anniversary

This Sep­tem­ber we cele­bra­ted 10th anni­ver­sa­ry of our dojo and such occasi­on asked for spe­cial par­ty. We drank and ate and enjoyed the par­ty. Finally, after 10 years, Mar­tin reve­a­led true mea­ning of our logo.
After 10 years peo­ple who star­ted to practi­se from the begi­ning of our dojo are now dan gra­des and recent­ly we wel­co­med our 500th begin­ner. And even after this long time we still enjoy to dis­co­ver new ways of aikido.
Many thanks to Mar­tin and Van­da for the­ir pati­en­ce with us and also to all the peo­ple who practi­se and cre­a­te such gre­at spa­ce for all of us.