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Aikido summer school – Martin Švihla (5th dan) – Třešť 2021

9. August 2021 - 15. August 2021

Aikido summer school – Martin Švihla (5th dan) – Třešť 2021

9. August 2021 - 15. August 2021
Místo: Sokolský dům Třešť

7 days and 6 hours of tra­i­ning per day. Tra­i­nings without wea­pons and with wea­pons, indo­ors and out­do­ors, day and night, in kei­ko-gi as well as in sport­su­it. And between clas­ses some food, games, massages, sle­e­ping, other volun­ta­ry exer­ci­ses and exams. Some­ti­mes we also sle­ep. Sim­ply a week with aiki­do in the Czech Highlands!


Sokol­ský dům, nám. Svo­bo­dy 412/15, 58901 Třešť
(49.293086, 15.481658)


  • 7:30–8:30 mor­ning warm-up
  • 10:00–12:30 aiki­do
  • 16:00–17:30 aiki­do and weapons
  • 17:30–18:30 shi­at­su and regeneration

Some clas­ses are out­do­ors in nature.
The­re will be a spe­cial mid­ni­ght tra­i­ning. Or more mid­ni­ght trainings.
Some eve­nings we eat toge­ther in the dojo or in the garden.
On Satur­day the­re will be exams for kyu.
On Sun­day we will finish at noon.


Full pri­ce:
Who­le sum­mer scho­ol 2000 CZK / One day 500 CZK

Dis­count pri­ce (stu­dents, unemployed, mater­nal leave…):
Who­le sum­mer scho­ol 1400 Kč / One day 350 Kč


Bring them all.


The semi­nar takes pla­ce in Sokol­sky dum TJ Sokol Třešť, in the small town Třešť near Jih­la­va. Sle­e­ping in the dojo in your own sle­e­ping bag is inclu­ded in the pri­ce. The­re is a small kit­chen and dining room in the buil­ding. Pubs for food are nearby.
Sle­e­ping is also possi­ble at a near­by guest hou­ses, whe­re you can also take your fami­ly and make a vacation.
Addi­ti­o­nal acti­vi­ties inclu­de board games, bow­ling, swi­m­ming in the local swi­m­ming pool and some­ti­mes sle­e­ping. If you want to see what the last years were, check out the pho­tos from the year 2019, 20182017201720152013201220112010 a 2009.


Mar­tin Švih­la, , +420 603 752 468


for the summer school

If you know you are coming – ple­a­se regis­ter via the onli­ne regis­trati­on form.
(You can also attend without registration.)


Aikido Praha Vinohrady


+420 603 752 468


Sokolský dům Třešť
Nám. Svobody 412/15
Třešť, 589 01 Česká republika
+ Google Map

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