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Seminar Gaston Nicolessi, Prague, May 2016

13. May 2016 - 15. May 2016

Seminar Gaston Nicolessi, Prague, May 2016

13. May 2016 - 15. May 2016
Místo: TJ Sokol Praha Vinohrady

Aikido Prague Vinohrady

invi­tes you to the semi­nar of

Gaston Nicolessi

(5th dan Aiki­kai, Fran­ce)

13 – 15 May 2016, Prague, CZ


TJ Sokol Krá­lov­ské Vino­hra­dy Pra­ha, Pol­ská 1 (Rie­gro­ve sady), Pra­ha 2
Map and pub­lic transport


  • Fri­day 19:00–21:00
  • Satur­day 10:00–12:30 / 15:30–18:00 (a par­ty after the class)
  • Sun­day 10:00–12:30

The­re will be wea­pon clas­ses – ple­a­se bring your bok­ken, jo and tanto.


  • Who­le semi­nar: 30 EUR (800 Kč)
  • 3 tra­i­nings: 25 EUR (650 Kč)
  • 2 tra­i­nings: 20 EUR (500 Kč)
  • 1 tra­i­ning: 15 EUR (300 Kč)

Stu­dents, unemployed, mater­nal lea­ve – dis­count 5 EUR (from any fee).


Ple­a­se bring your bok­ken, jo and tanto.


Gas­ton Nico­les­si (5th dan aiki­do Fran­ce) star­ted with aiki­do when he was 11 years old in 1983 on Mada­gas­car. More than 20 years he practi­ces under directi­on of Franck Noel, in 2002 he foun­ded his own dojo in Cug­naux near Tolou­se. Gas­ton also ser­ves in regi­o­nal gra­ding and is an elec­ted mem­ber of the French Aiki­do Fede­rati­on (FFAAA), as head of the Young Adults Comit­tee which focuses on empowering young tea­chers and faci­li­ta­ting the gene­rati­on tran­si­ti­on in the tea­ching of Aiki­do. He tea­ches semi­nars in Fran­ce, Spa­in and Fin­land and Franck Noel assigned him to be one of two young tea­chers respon­si­ble for the first week on Ole­ron sum­mer scho­ol in 2016.
Our Pra­gue semi­nar will be his first visit in the Czech republic.


  • In dojo in your own sle­e­ping bag: free

Hos­tels and hotels very clo­se by (orde­red by distance):


You can find non-aiki­do infor­mati­on for your stay in Pra­gue at Feel free to con­tact us for some sight­se­e­ing recommendations.


Mar­tin Švih­la, , +420 737 848627


Aikido Praha Vinohrady


+420 603 752 468


TJ Sokol Praha Vinohrady
Polská 1a
Praha 2, 120 00 Česká republika
+ Google Map

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