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Registration Form – Aikido for Children

Registration Form – Aikido for Children


Ple­a­se cho­o­se a group accor­ding to age of your child (age to 1st Sep­tem­ber 2022) and fill the form. The fields with red aste­risk are mandatory.

If the group is full, you can regis­ter to our wai­ting group and we will let you know in case the­re was free spot in September.

Infor­mati­on on indi­vi­du­al groups, inclu­ding tra­i­ning fees, can be found at Aiki­do for chil­dren and Aiki­do for you­th. If you are unsu­re of a sui­table group, ple­a­se use the note at the end of the form.

Detail infor­mati­on about con­tent and orga­ni­zati­on of tra­i­nings can be found in our Ope­ra­ting stan­dards (in Czech language).