Different City Experience 2015

For the second time we par­ti­ci­pa­te nei­ghbour fes­ti­val Dif­fe­rent City Expe­ri­en­ce, whe­re we practi­ced aiki­do on the sidewalk in Bel­gic­ká Street. Eve­ry­o­ne who want could practi­ced with us. We were the gre­a­test enter­ta­i­ning for chil­dren, who practi­ced with us for the most of the time and pro­ved them­selfs as very talen­ted, tire­less and invincible.
The beau­ti­ful pho­tos are by Peter Nagy (www.facebook.com/peternagyphoto) and Peter Juhás (www.uhazart.com)